How to Pack Your Garage

Tips On Packing Your Garage

If you plan on packing yourself, Movers N Shakers offers these tips for packing the garage:

moving tips

Packing household items in preparation for a move is a huge undertaking and, for this reason, many people choose to hire a packing company. Do-it-yourselfers often leave the garage pack for last, a mistake they later regret.


7 Reasons to Rent Out Your Bay Area Home After Moving

Renting is an Easy Sell For Long Distance Movers Leaving the Bay Area


You have closed on your new home, and the moving company has unpacked your belongings. The dog is yipping around the new rooms, and the kids are already out playing in the yard. It’s all very exciting! The only problem remaining is… your current house hasn’t sold. Yikes. What should you do? (more…)

10 Things Not to Forget When You Move Long Distance

Common Things Long Distance Movers and Packers Forget


Our long distance packing and moving company knows that long distance moves are stressful for our clients. Even with the help of an outstanding long distance moving company there’s a lot of things that can go wrong, or stress you out once you get to the new home, if you fail to plan ahead. Check out 10 all-too-commonly-forgotten things about moving across country and beyond. (more…)

Leaving the City? Bay Area Movers’ Advise: Think Ahead to Find a Good Internet Service Provider

Remember to Schedule Internet Service Installation for Your New Home Ahead of Time


In today’s society, internet service is essential for most people, even if you don’t run a Bay Area start up or work virtually. If you’re planning to move out of the area, however, you may find that your options for excellent and fast ISPs are frustratingly limited. Before you call Palo Alto movers like ours, use these tips to find the best internet service provider in your new area. (more…)

Moving to Find a Better School District? 5 Tips for Finding a Great School

Bay Area Movers Offer Advice for Parents Looking for the Best Schools


You care deeply about your children’s education, and you know that the quality of the school system you choose (or lack thereof) can have profound ramifications both for their academic careers and their self-confidence. Fortunately, the Bay Area is rich with excellent school districts and parents and teachers who care. However, not all schools are created equal. Follow these five tips to select a school that’s right for your family: (more…)