How to De-Clutter Your Bay Area Home

Getting Organized to Prepare for Moving Day

moving and packing bay areaAs you’ve been researching packing and moving companies in the Bay Area in preparation for a big move, you’ve become dismayed by just how disorganized your home or apartment is.

You wanted to de-clutter yesterday. You also want to prevent your new place from becoming overwhelmed by papers, electronics that don’t work anymore, boxes full of undefined “stuff,” etc. Trust us, you don’t want to wait until moving day to begin the organization process. (more…)

Moving to San Jose, California

Bay Area Moving and Storage Tips

Moving to San Jose

Image via Flickr

Perhaps you just landed the tech job of your dreams. Or maybe you’re moving to San Jose to start a new life with your boyfriend or girlfriend. In either event, the process can be exciting and nerve-wracking. The San Jose metro area is home to around 2 million people. It’s a diverse and beautiful city…but you don’t know anything about it. Here’s some helpful information if you’re moving to the South Bay Area. (more…)